What have you learned from your audience feedback?
To recieve the audiences feedback on our product was a priority in order to perfect our video. Once our initial rough cut was completed, the video was screened within our media class and written feedback was provided from each person. This was an especially useful oppurtunity as it helped us recognise any potential issues early on, which may have not been altered or even noticed otherwise. All students in the class are also either 17 or 18 years old, so are within our specific target market by age. Many comments were positive, although we were also given various ways in which to elevate our video to a higher level. The main ideas discussed were; an increase in cuts during the final chorus for an energetic climax, to check all instruments/the singer were in sync and to improve the ending. A couple people also questioned the stability of the camera movement, although this was intentional to convey a hectic feeling and the bands vigor whilst performing. Further detail on the feedback received can be found here.
Once our edited cut was finalised, we were able to gather other opinions. We thought it would be a good idea to publish our video on social-networking site Facebook the second time around, for further feedback. We also decided to ask a more varied collection of students in person, most of whom do not study Media A-Level, to provide us with a general consumers view and to prevent any biased answers. We asked them all four separate questions, which were the following:
What did you enjoy about the video?
Do the visuals correspond well with the song, and if so how?
Do you think it looks like a believable and credible music video, and why?
What would you change to improve the video?
Their feedback is summarised below.
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