Upon visiting our previous choice in location, Resident Studios, we were unable to record any footage to the quality that we hoped, due to insufficient lighting (although promised when booking) and a lack of time due to delays in travel; as a result of the unpredictable snow and weather conditions at the time. Although we had missed two hours of our planned booking time, we were still instructed to pay full price. We agreed that the filming was below par as a consequence, so rather than travel to the studio for a second time with the cost of another large fee - we believed it would be better appropriate to choose a different location for our music video. Here were some of our plans:
1. An underground car park. There are many of these around that portray
an industrial look, and we thought it would bode well with the sounds of the song. However this may not allow us much freedom as there would most likely be restrictions as to what we can do, and may not be allowed permission to perform all together. Finding access to a power source may also be an issue, but it is essential to the making of our music video for lighting and other aspects.
2. A hall in New Eltham. Sarah was aware of a local hall that may be of great use to us, even hiring out the location for practice in filming. We were allowed much opportunity to film whatever it liked, but unfortunately the hall did not set the scene in the way we had intended, as the general mise en scène contradicts the aggressive nature of the song - coming across as too plain and ordinary. There were also many fixtures in the room that were unable to move, again disrupting their look.
3. The Red Lion pub. One possible location we were aware of was this particular pub in Gravesend, which offered a stage where actual bands have performed gigs in the past. We decided this was perfect for our band as it coincides with our bands image and have rented out the hall for a five hour slot, which we hope this time will become a success.